Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an open bar?

Yes, there will be an open bar featuring beer, wine, and liquor throughout the night. A detailed drinks menu will be provided closer to the event. For the safety of all guests, we strongly encourage the use of Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare options if you plan to consume alcohol.

Where is the venue?

The venue will be at The River View in Occoquan, Virginia. Click here to view the venue.

Is there parking at the venue?

Yes, there is ample free parking at the venue. For guests planning to drink, we recommend using Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare options. Cheers!

Is there an after party?

Yes, there will be an after-party in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, most likely on King Street. Stay tuned for more details.

What hotels are in the area?

If you’re not going to the after party/want to stay close to the venue, we recommend staying in Occoquan, Virginia.
Local Hotels in Occoquan, VA Include: 
Local Hotels in Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia (after party location):